On Monday 12th April 2010, Beto Perez came to The Biggest Zumba UK Party at Cafe de Paris! 

Zumba Instructors &  Zumba Fans were fortuned to dance along & learn with the creator of Zumba.  

Here i am pictured with ´Beto´!!!

Sandra DaCosta lives in the Borough of Westminster with her two daughters. Sandra started Zumba classes fifteen years ago as a student, and so inspired by it went on to become a Zumba Instructor within a few months of her first lesson. 

She wanted to bring Zumba to everyone and has classes set up for Adults and Children. She is now qualified to teach Zumba, Zumba Gold & Zumbini. 

She has established classes in Sport's Centres, in Community Halls in Westminster, has taught in  Primary School, Pre-school's and Children Centres. 

She has been hired for private events and birthday parties. Sandra has been interviewed for a local magazine

On 18th November 2022, Sandra won an Active Westminster Award in the Change4Life category 

Sandra says that there are many benefits to Zumba and here is a list of what to expect in one of her classes!

Great dynamic core workout: Zumba uses moves throughout the class that require high control of the mid section of the body (abs and back). This has the potential to translate into a tighter more defined torso (stronger abs and back).

Easy, non-intimidating learning environment: Learn new dance steps in an easy -to-follow, fun and party-like format.

Weight loss:
As with any exercise program, consistency and a sensible, well-balanced nutrition program will increase the likelihood of weight loss.

Positive self-image: High level of "feeling good".

A sculpted body: Zumba will potentially reshape all parts of your body, including your upper body, lower body, mid-section, heart and mind.